2 comments on “Shahrill Ramli Is 36 Years Old @ The Year 2020 : A Grateful Caterpillar In The Chrysalis.

  1. I congratulate you on your 36. I can’t but rejoice that you have found your way. Has it ever occurred to you that what you do for life is not what you are destined for? The truth is that many people are unhappy with what they are doing, but they think that they have no other choice. But this is not true. The universe has a plan for us all. However, not everyone knows where to look for this ultimate goal. I don’t know whether you believe in astrology or not, but I want to recommend an excellent article at https://horo.io/ about how astrology can help you find the meaning of life.

  2. Hey Shahril, I have enjoyed reading your UPM PhD blog posts. Currently I am in my third semester of PhD, in the faculty of forestry in UPM. So far, have already completed the 3 required papers and 1 is already confirmed to be published, the remaining two ongoing checks with my supervisor. Going to prepare for my CE now to commence in when the 4th semester starts. Your post about the CE helped me prepare what to expect, as I am currently writing up a short summary of my project as requested by my professor. Quite far-fetched to think as of now, but hopefully all goes well so that I can graduate by the 5th semester.

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